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Nordic and European Modernisms
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This e-book explores the growth and development of Nordic modernisms in a European context. Concentrating on and yet not limiting itself to the study of literary texts, the book shows that the emergence of modernism in the Nordic countries is linked to, and inspired by, the innovative works published in Western Europe and the USA towards the end of the nineteenth century and in the first decades of the twentieth century. Presenting Nordic art as multi-dimensional and dynamic, it also shows that, while responding to aspects of these innovative works, Nordic modernism itself contributed to modernism as a complex international trend. The plural form “modernisms” in the book’s title indicates that the contributors adopt an understanding of modernism that, while recognizing the importance of the modernist movement between circa 1890 and 1940, is sufficiently elastic to include various forms of extension and continuation of Nordic modernisms in the post-war period. The book shows that the experience of crisis—cultural, political, moral, aesthetic—that underlies modernist artists’ invention of radically new forms of expression was by no means limited to just one country or one identifiable group of writers; nor was it, as modernisms’ global relevance makes clear, restricted to just one continent. At the level of historical reality, the First World War represents the culmination of a crisis which had its beginnings several decades earlier. The Second World War, along with the Holocaust, represents a second culmination of the crisis, and there is, this book suggests, a sense in which the experience of crisis has continued to influence and shape Nordic literature written in the post-war period. Over the first two decades of the twenty-first century, the experience of crisis has increasingly been extended to include a growing uncertainty about the future prompted by the reality of climate change.

Nordic and European Modernisms
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This e-book explores the growth and development of Nordic modernisms in a European context. Concentrating on and yet not limiting itself to the study of literary texts, the book shows that the emergence of modernism in the Nordic countries is linked to, and inspired by, the innovative works published in Western Europe and the USA towards the end of the nineteenth century and in the first decades of the twentieth century. Presenting Nordic art as multi-dimensional and dynamic, it also shows that, while responding to aspects of these innovative works, Nordic modernism itself contributed to modernism as a complex international trend. The plural form “modernisms” in the book’s title indicates that the contributors adopt an understanding of modernism that, while recognizing the importance of the modernist movement between circa 1890 and 1940, is sufficiently elastic to include various forms of extension and continuation of Nordic modernisms in the post-war period. The book shows that the experience of crisis—cultural, political, moral, aesthetic—that underlies modernist artists’ invention of radically new forms of expression was by no means limited to just one country or one identifiable group of writers; nor was it, as modernisms’ global relevance makes clear, restricted to just one continent. At the level of historical reality, the First World War represents the culmination of a crisis which had its beginnings several decades earlier. The Second World War, along with the Holocaust, represents a second culmination of the crisis, and there is, this book suggests, a sense in which the experience of crisis has continued to influence and shape Nordic literature written in the post-war period. Over the first two decades of the twenty-first century, the experience of crisis has increasingly been extended to include a growing uncertainty about the future prompted by the reality of climate change.

Nordic and European Modernisms
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This e-book explores the growth and development of Nordic modernisms in a European context. Concentrating on and yet not limiting itself to the study of literary texts, the book shows that the emergence of modernism in the Nordic countries is linked to, and inspired by, the innovative works published in Western Europe and the USA towards the end of the nineteenth century and in the first decades of the twentieth century. Presenting Nordic art as multi-dimensional and dynamic, it also shows that, while responding to aspects of these innovative works, Nordic modernism itself contributed to modernism as a complex international trend. The plural form “modernisms” in the book’s title indicates that the contributors adopt an understanding of modernism that, while recognizing the importance of the modernist movement between circa 1890 and 1940, is sufficiently elastic to include various forms of extension and continuation of Nordic modernisms in the post-war period. The book shows that the experience of crisis—cultural, political, moral, aesthetic—that underlies modernist artists’ invention of radically new forms of expression was by no means limited to just one country or one identifiable group of writers; nor was it, as modernisms’ global relevance makes clear, restricted to just one continent. At the level of historical reality, the First World War represents the culmination of a crisis which had its beginnings several decades earlier. The Second World War, along with the Holocaust, represents a second culmination of the crisis, and there is, this book suggests, a sense in which the experience of crisis has continued to influence and shape Nordic literature written in the post-war period. Over the first two decades of the twenty-first century, the experience of crisis has increasingly been extended to include a growing uncertainty about the future prompted by the reality of climate change.

Parasciences, n° 120, Mars 2021 : Messages sur Polaroïd - Rêves et visions de fin de vie
Authors: ---
ISSN: 11430982 Year: 2021 Publisher: Agnières JMG Editions

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parasciences --- para-sciences --- pseudo-sciences --- pseudoscience --- parapsychologie --- paranormal --- Guadalupe --- Masaru Emoto (江本勝) --- Vierge de Guadalupe --- miracles --- spiritisme --- Victor Hugo (1802-1885) --- effet placebo --- ondes alpha --- aura --- Harry Houdini (1874-1926) --- livres --- expérience de mort imminente (EMI) --- guérisons miraculeuses --- télépathie --- psychokinèse --- ufologie --- UFO --- OVNIS --- Père-Lachaise --- sychronicités --- chamanisme --- transcommunication (TCI) --- biophotons --- photographie paranormale --- auto-hypnose --- Uri Geller --- Alexandra David-Néel (1868-1969) --- Madame de Thèbes --- Tibet --- Soufanieh --- linceul de Turin --- suaire de Turin --- plantes --- rêves --- John William Dunne (1875-1949) --- prophéties --- Jean-Claude Pantel --- machines occultes --- perception para-optique --- âme --- out-of-body experience (OBE) --- expérience de hors-corps --- tombeau de Jésus --- rationalisme --- Col de Vence --- crop circles --- antiquité --- médiums --- Charles Darwin --- agroglyphes --- médecine et spiritualité --- Christianisme --- personnalités multiples --- statues qui pleurent --- thérianthropie --- enlèvements extraterrestres --- état modifié de conscience (EMC) --- Robert Monroe (1915-1995) --- apparitions --- apparitions mariales --- mariophanie --- diméthyltryptamine (DMT) --- illusions --- orbs --- boules lumineuses --- spiritualté animale --- anhydrie --- aquaglyphes --- images miraculeuses --- reliques miraculeuses --- Garges-lès-Gonesse --- transcorporation --- lieux fantômes --- licorne --- Dewey --- mediumnité --- psychométrie --- Bermudes --- synchronicité --- Raspoutine --- musicosme --- musique transcendentale --- pèlerinages --- fontaines miraculeuses --- Arthur Koestler --- réincarnation --- abbaye de Glastonbury --- archéologie --- zeppelin --- Geraldine Cummins (1890-1969) --- neurosciences --- précognition --- pareidolie --- sciences parallèles --- clairvoyance --- île de Pâques --- Thérèse de Lisieux --- Denis Vrain-Lucas (1818–1882) --- forgerie --- faussaire littéraire --- idéoplastie --- téléplastie --- ectoplasmes --- hallucinations collectives --- Maitreya --- manuscrit de Voynich --- cryptographie --- superstition --- Jeanne d'Arc --- clairaudiance --- chapelle de Lorette --- karma --- expériences paranormales truquées --- maisons hantées --- fantômes --- possession --- exorcisme --- Charbel Maklouf (1828-1898) --- Prieuré de Sion --- Bugarach --- médiumnité --- visage de Mars --- arbologues --- Rennes-le-Château --- Bérenger Saunière (1852-1917) --- Glozel --- Jean-Paul I --- Église catholique --- Gilles Bouhours --- Institut Français de Recherches et d'Expérimentation Spirite (IFRES) --- darwinisme --- Francis Crick (1916-2004) --- Wolf Messing (1899-1974) --- théorie de dédoublement --- Jean Pierre Garnier Malet --- énergie de résonance --- Oliver Lodge (1851-1940) --- Daniel Dunglas Home (1833-1886) --- combustion humaine spontanée --- mains brûlantes --- Gérard Croiset --- chemtrails --- manipulation des masses --- Stanley Milgram (1933-1984) --- Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) --- Giuseppe Joseph Calligaris --- extase --- lévitations --- transe --- Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) --- Charles Fort (1874-1932) --- Rupert Sheldrake --- résonance morphique --- Notre-Dame d'Akita --- Ted Owens (1920-1987) --- médecine holistique --- déjà-vu --- psychothérapie spirituelle --- lieux hantés --- presbytère de Borley --- Gustav Meyrink (1868-1932) --- Première Guerre mondiale --- spiritualisme --- pentacle --- église Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais --- faux souvenirs --- énergie nucléaire --- pluies de pierres --- dématérialisation --- Chupacabra --- cryptozoologie --- suaire d’Oviedo --- reliques --- peinture précipitée --- William Barrett --- sainte face de Manoppello --- image acheiropoïète --- Roswell --- Stonehenge --- Avebury --- Agatha Christie --- Bertha Mrazek --- transcommunication hypnotique (TCH) --- ectoplasmie --- Pearl Curran --- Patience Worth --- Indridi Indridason --- sorties hors du corps --- conscience --- Qumran --- Alec Harris (1897-1974) --- effet Oz --- Raymond Réant --- Harry Price (1881-1948) --- transcommunication --- scientisme --- Pierres d'Ica (Pérou) --- pseudoarchéologie --- pseudo-archéologie --- fées de Cottingley --- Edward Warren (1926-2006) --- Lorraine Warren (1927-2019) --- rétrocognition --- géobiologie --- Fatima --- Luc Montagnier --- Haravilliers --- Helen Duncan (1897-1956) --- ouija --- hypnose --- Lourdes --- Mina Stinson (1889-1941) --- Mina Crandon (1889-1941) --- disparitions paranormales --- Smurl Haunting --- animaux --- hantise --- extraterrestres --- Rudolf Steiner --- vision à distance --- Keith Milton Rhinehart --- Frédérique Pétorin --- George Spriggs --- Padre Pio --- loup-garou --- lycanthropie --- ovnis triangulaires --- Adrienne Bolland --- triangles volants --- Minnie Harrison (1895-1958) --- prosopométamorphopsie --- château Houska --- Charles Fort --- sphère Bellosean --- Stewart Alexander --- pluies paranormales --- divination --- château de Fougeret --- prédictions --- complotisme --- transhumanisme --- corona --- coronavirus --- covid-19 --- pandémie --- Versailles --- conscience animale --- Natuzza Evolo --- Eleonore Zugun --- wikipedia --- Mont Athos --- obscurantisme --- enfants aux yeux noirs --- légendes urbaines --- hallucinations --- objects paranormaux permanents (OPP) --- lignée secrète --- Maria Valtorta

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